
What's Hot

What's Hot gives a visual snapshot of which stories are most important on CNET News.com right now. What's Hot is updated every time a story is published, or at least once an hour.

What makes a story hot?

  • The story is new. Any story published in the last 72 hours is eligible.
  • The story is widely-read. The more individuals who read the story, the hotter it is. Data is updated hourly, or when new stories are published.


  • Size The bigger the block, the hotter the story.
  • Color The brighter the block, the newer the story. Bright yellow means the story was just published.

News.com Express: What's Hot

Browse our hottest content a story at a time with our new feature. "class="expLink" rel="nofollow">Launch News.com Express.

This page may be found at http://hot.news.com/

What's Hot

What's Hot gives a visual snapshot of which stories are most important on CNET News.com right now. What's Hot is updated every time a story is published, or at least once an hour.

What makes a story hot?

  • The story is new. Any story published in the last 72 hours is eligible.
  • The story is widely-read. The more individuals who read the story, the hotter it is. Data is updated hourly, or when new stories are published.


  • Size The bigger the block, the hotter the story.
  • Color The brighter the block, the newer the story. Bright yellow means the story was just published.

News.com Express: What's Hot

Browse our hottest content a story at a time with our new feature. "class="expLink" rel="noopener nofollow" class="c-regularLink" target="_blank">Launch News.com Express.

This page may be found at http://hot.news.com/

What's Hot

What's Hot: Visit any story page, and click the "What's Hot" tab in the right column.